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Fr. Joeven Matugas sx

Jul 17, 2023

Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven

Fr. Joeven Matugas, sx

In today`s Gospel we hear Jesus preaching the people in parables. The parable we heard today is about the sower – the farmer who went to his farm and broadcast the seeds. Why Jesus got attracted to this kind of story – the sower and the seeds sown? It is because Jesus observed the delicate labor of the farmer. Everyday the farmer toils to prepare the field for the sowing so that the seeds may germinate and grow well and yield an abundance harvest. And when a good harvest happens, the toils will not be in vain.  In this metaphorical approach of the story, we may understand straightforwardly the points of building the Kingdom continuously and being part of it.

The sower is God. The seed sown is the Word. The soil is the hearer. Nevertheless, we the people are the soil who received the Word preached -  the broadcasted seeds. As hearers, it is up to us to cultivate and propagate the Word that we received and listened to. As evangelized and  followers of the Lord, we are privileged that we get the chance to open our eyes and minds to know God. Many have heard the Word but without understanding. Jesus said, “and the one who received the seed in rich soil is the man who hears the word and understands it, he is the one who yields a harvest and produces a hundredfold, v. 23”

We try to be a rich soil, a fertile land. Meaning, a good listener and receiver of the Word. By doing so, we may be able to shine and to share and lived what we have heard from the Lord.

We are living in a world that full of noise and destructions. Many artificial displays catch our attention. We found uncomfortable to pause a moment, sit down and pray. Our timetable is busy with other unnecessary essentials. There is no sufficient time to read and meditate the Gospel and pray. We feel like praying and nourishing our souls is no longer vital and relevant in our daily living.

The mysteries of the kingdom is already revealed to us. How receptive we are to see, perceive, listen and understand with our heart and get converted? To enter into the Kingdom is not a competition nor a performance and human rights. Everybody is welcome to the kingdom. Only if, we are ready and willing to embrace it. In this way, we can call ourselves a fertile soil, a rich land that is geared up towards a fruitful and abundance harvest.  

Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven

Fr. Joeven Matugas, sx

In today`s Gospel we hear Jesus preaching the people in parables. The parable we heard today is about the sower – the farmer who went to his farm and broadcast the seeds. Why Jesus got attracted to this kind of story – the sower and the seeds sown? It is because Jesus observed the delicate labor of the farmer. Everyday the farmer toils to prepare the field for the sowing so that the seeds may germinate and grow well and yield an abundance harvest. And when a good harvest happens, the toils will not be in vain.  In this metaphorical approach of the story, we may understand straightforwardly the points of building the Kingdom continuously and being part of it.

The sower is God. The seed sown is the Word. The soil is the hearer. Nevertheless, we the people are the soil who received the Word preached -  the broadcasted seeds. As hearers, it is up to us to cultivate and propagate the Word that we received and listened to. As evangelized and  followers of the Lord, we are privileged that we get the chance to open our eyes and minds to know God. Many have heard the Word but without understanding. Jesus said, “and the one who received the seed in rich soil is the man who hears the word and understands it, he is the one who yields a harvest and produces a hundredfold, v. 23”

We try to be a rich soil, a fertile land. Meaning, a good listener and receiver of the Word. By doing so, we may be able to shine and to share and lived what we have heard from the Lord.

We are living in a world that full of noise and destructions. Many artificial displays catch our attention. We found uncomfortable to pause a moment, sit down and pray. Our timetable is busy with other unnecessary essentials. There is no sufficient time to read and meditate the Gospel and pray. We feel like praying and nourishing our souls is no longer vital and relevant in our daily living.

The mysteries of the kingdom is already revealed to us. How receptive we are to see, perceive, listen and understand with our heart and get converted? To enter into the Kingdom is not a competition nor a performance and human rights. Everybody is welcome to the kingdom. Only if, we are ready and willing to embrace it. In this way, we can call ourselves a fertile soil, a rich land that is geared up towards a fruitful and abundance harvest.  

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